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Section 1 - Health and Safety
01 - Health and safety policy
01.1 - Risk Assessment
01.01 b - Access audit form
01.2 - Group rooms and corridors
01.3 - Kitchen
01.4 - Children's bathroom/changing areas
01.6 - Short trips, outings and excursions
01.7 - Outdoors
01.11 - Staff personal safety
01.12 - Threats and abuse towards staff and volunteers
01.13 - Entrances and approach to the building
01.14 - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
01.15 - Manual handling
01.16 - Festival decorations
01.17 - Jewellery and hair accessories
01.18 - Animals in the setting
01.19 - Face painting
01.20 - Notifiable incidents (non- child protection)
01.21 - Terrorist threat, attack and lockdown
01.23 - Smoking policy
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