Useful documents
If you wish to book a place for your child at Pilton Pre-school, please contact us in the first instance to arrange a showaround and confirm that spaces are available for the sessions you require. Please then complete the above booking form and send that to us in person, by post or email together with your booking deposit.
Working Families Entitlement consent form
If you are eligible for Extended (30 hours) entitlement or 2 year funding (from 1 April 2024) and have received an eligibility code from Childcare Choices, please complete the above consent form and give it to us so that we can process your claim with Somerset Council. If we do not have your written consent, we cannot submit your claim. We are happy to receive your form in person, by post or by email if time is short.
What to Expect When? - a parents guide
A parents guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage is available to view here.
The purpose of this booklet is to help parents and carer find out more about how their child is learning and developing during their first five years in relation to the EYFS.
Uniform is entirely optional, we are happy for children to wear whatever they want at Pre-school! Some parents do like having special Pre-school clothes however for all our lovely messy play :) If you are interested in purchasing some 'uniform' for your child to wear to Pre-school, you can order some from MyClothing at https://myclothing.com/collections/pilton-pre-school-21658