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Our Programme

Our daily routine is very flexible to meet the varying needs of the children. Activities are planned based on the children’s interests, fascinations and areas where they may need support as well as themed around inspiring topics to introduce new knowledge and experiences. The programme is effectively differentiated to support children’s stage appropriate learning.


Throughout the day there are plenty of opportunities for children to engage in music and movement, stories, malleable and messy play, construction, mathematics, phonics, letters and sounds, creative arts and crafts and lots of other lovely things! The children are free to access the resources and activities of their choosing with staff sensitively supporting their choices and looking for opportunities to ‘teach’ and extend children’s learning.


On Friday mornings we offer a Forest School session with George and on Thursday afternoons we have Yoga with Adele. There is a small additional charge for children who choose to take up these enrichment activities.


An example of our daily routine is below.


MORNING SESSION 9.00 - 12.30 or 2.00 (early start can be booked for 8:45)

9.00 – 10.20 – Play explore and Learn - Children and parents/carers are warmly greeted by the staff, children enjoy the independence of putting their snacks and belongings away before being settled with their peers to enjoy the session – not forgetting a big cuddle and saying ‘see you later’ to loved ones. Children self registrate by putting their hot air balloon on the ‘Who’s here to play today’ board. Key persons are there to sensitively support children to settle quickly. Children can choose from a range of activities that interest them and staff are there to support and extend children’s learning.


10.20 – 10.30 – Tidy up time! Followed by Group Time on the carpet - On hearing our bell the group awaits instruction! We work together to clear resources away making it a valuable learning experience for team work, helping others, listening and following instructions, understanding positional language and much more. We then sit down for Group Time with Billy Bear and say good morning to each child individually. Children are invited to share what they have been doing in the morning and discuss thoughts, feelings and ideas with the group.


10.30 - 10.45 - Healthy snack time - After washing their hands, the children sit down together and sing our ‘Please and Thank you’ song before tucking into a wide selection of fruits and vegetables brought in from home. Once finished we say “Thank you, please may I leave the table?” and then get ready for going outside.


10.45 - 11.45 - Outdoor Play - Our stunning outside area overlooks the surrounding countryside making the perfect backdrop to any creative and imaginative play. The children have access to a wide range of physical equipment and play areas such as the mud kitchen and Forest School area. We make the most of the beautiful environment and encourage confidence in exploring nature. After play and exploration we tidy together and come in putting our wellies in the trug/shoes in the box and put our coats on our pegs all by ourselves (but with a little bit of help for those who need it too😊).


11.45 - 12.00 –Storytime or Singing and Rhyme time - The group join together on the carpet, collect a cushion or mat and settle for a short calming story or a selection of our favourite songs, rhymes or poems before preparing to wash hands for lunch. Our younger friends go to prepare for lunch a little ahead to allow our older children time to engage in some super clever extension activities such as Letters & Sounds or maths!


12.00/12.10 – 12.30 – Together time lunch - Children sit down together to enjoy their yummy healthy food brought from home. We enjoy chatting about the day’s events and children often help each other to open or tidy away packets!  Once finished we say “Thank you, please may I leave the table?” and enjoy sharing stories and playing quietly as some of the children are collected.




12.25 – 1.50 – Rest and Relaxation followed by play - The group enjoy a selection of quiet stories, puzzles, games, music or activities on the carpet as some children depart and some join for the afternoon session. We encourage this time to be calm & quiet to allow for those arriving and leaving to have a relaxed transition ☺Children can then gradually go off to explore and access resources and activities that interest them. Staff are there to support and extend children’s learning.


1.50 – 2.00 – Getting ready for home time! - Children leaving at 2pm are encouraged to round up their plan and explorations before gathering their things and putting their shoes on with the gentle support of key persons. The rest of the group continue with their activities and enjoy saying farewell to their friends. If appropriate at this time, staff will encourage a group together time to support a smooth transition.


2.20 - 2.30 - On hearing our bell the group awaits instruction! We work together to clear resources away making it a valuable learning experience for team work, helping others, listening and following instructions, understanding positional language and much more. We then journey to the bathroom to use the toilet/potty and thoroughly wash hands ready for snack.


2.30 – 2.50– Fabulous “Five a day” snack! - Before starting we sing our ‘Please and Thank you’ song and then the children tuck in and enjoy a wide selection of fruits and vegetables brought in from home. This sparks lots of discussion about likes, dislikes, who has the same, what we eat at home and of course we all have a good chat about whatever is on our minds! Once finished we say “Thank you, please may I leave the table?” and get ready for going outside.


2.50 - 3.30 - Outdoor Play - Our stunning outside area overlooks the surrounding countryside making the perfect backdrop to any creative and imaginative play. The children have access to a wide range of physical equipment and play areas such as the mud kitchen and Forest School area. We make the most of the beautiful environment and encourage confidence in exploring nature. After play and exploration we tidy together and come in putting our wellies in the trug/shoes in the box and put our coats on our pegs all by ourselves but with a little bit of help for those who need it too.


3.30 - 4.00 - Rest and Relaxation - The group join together in our quiet area for a selection of wind down stories, puzzles, games, music or activities as children eagerly await sharing their busy day with loved ones at pick up time.

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